Friday, 28 January 2011

'Matilda' at Stratford-upon-Avon

The Skipper was up bright and early yesterday morning in order to catch the train to Stratford. I’ve never seen him dashing around quite so energetically, trying to find everything he needed for the day. Of course I realised then, the reason for all the care....
He was meeting up with two young ladies!
You know I reckon our Skipper’s a bit of an old perv...
Where most men of his age are happy and content to sit on a settee, smoking their pipe, perhaps watching a bit of television, pottering in the garden and then nodding off again in front of the television, our old man seems to be either entertaining ladies aboard or rushing around the country to keep dates with them.
Yesterday was no exception. He had arranged to meet his two friends Bones and Kate, who both live on narrow boats and they were all going to the 11am matinée at the Courtyard Theatre to see the musical show ‘Matilda’.
How nice!!!
First of all they had coffee at the pub called the ‘Encore’, on the corner of the Waterfront and Bridge Street, where they met the Skipper’s brother David, who lives in Stratford. He’d already seen the show and reckoned it was marvellous. He couldn’t say enough good things about it in fact. Then they all walked up the street, past the ‘Black Swan/ Dirty Duck’ to the theatre, where David left the three of them to find their seats.
It had been such a popular show that the only three seats that Bones had been able to book were well separated in the auditorium by lots and lots of school children. But the children were nice and quiet, in fact spellbound for most of the time, the seats were all good seats in the circle and a excellent view of the stage was had by all.
Apparently the performance was wonderful and all three enjoyed it like mad. The Skipper was quite ecstatic as he told David all about it later aboard, after he had been brought back here in the car, the jammy so and so.
After the show the three friends had gone for lunch at the Pizza Express and then after the girls had returned to their car to go back to Oxford, our erstwhile Captain called on his brother to cadge a lift home, would you believe? The cheeky so and so!
What’s he like?
I ask you. What are we going to do with him?
It was good to see him back on board though. I had missed him.

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